Your custom paper will be 100% original

Every paper we produce is always properly researched and written by our writers. There will never be any hint of plagiarism. All sources will be cited and included in the bibliography according to the academic standards. In addition, we scan all outgoing papers via our anti-plagiarism system.

Your paper will be absolutely untraceable

Your custom research paper will never be re-sold, uploaded to free essay sites, or otherwise distributed on the Internet. You have an iron-clad guarantee that your paper will never appear in the plagiarism detection services, such as

We will work with you until your complete satisfaction

It's not just the custom paper you will receive, it's the hours of work that our writers will devote to your assignment. We will revise your research paper for free until it adequately reflects the original instructions you submitted with your order.

The service is absolutely confidential

Buying custom research papers is a sensitive matter. Your personal details will never be disclosed to anyone, not even your writer. Your confidentiality, security, and comfort are our primary concern.

Your money will be fully refunded if we cannot write your paper

Research papers come in different shapes and sizes and although we can complete almost any assignment you throw at us, there are some that we simply may not be able to for one reason or another. You, however, have nothing to worry about, since we will always tell you immediately if your custom paper can be written or not. If not, we will refund the money you paid in full amount.

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I received the completed essay. Thank you so much for your help.

David Lemke
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